Section: Dissemination

Invited talks

  • George Giakkoupis. Rumor spreading on dynamic graphs. CS Theory Seminar, University of Calgary, Canada, Nov. 29 2013.

  • George Giakkoupis. Gossip protocols for information dissemination and other tasks. Workshop on Storage and Cloud Computing (WOS3), Rennes, France, Nov. 22 2013.

  • George Giakkoupis. Tight bounds for rumor spreading with graph expansion. PODC Social Network Workshop, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 21 2013.

  • George Giakkoupis. Randomized loose renaming in O(loglogn) time. ASAP Workshop on Distributed Computing, Rennes, France, Jun. 28 2013.

  • George Giakkoupis. Rumor spreading and graph expansion. 3rd Pacific Northwest Theory Days Workshop, University of Victoria, Canada, May 5 2013.

  • George Giakkoupis. Rumor spreading and vertex expansion. Workshop on Epidemic Algorithms and Processes: From Theory to Applications, Dagstuhl, Germany, Jan. 21 2013.

  • Mathieu Goessens. P2P technologies for the Web: Challenges and perspectives. Mozilla Summit 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Oct. 5 2013.

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Tutorial: Systems support for news recommendation: From P2P to hybrid architectures. Transform Summer School on Research Directions in Distributed Computing. Heraklion, Crete. June 10-14, 2013.

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Privacy-aware micro-blogging. University of Sydney and NICTA, Australia, Jan. 2014.

  • Michel Raynal. Tutorial: Checkpointing and debugging in distributed computing. Latin-American Conference on Dependable Computing (LADC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 2013.

  • Michel Raynal. Concurrency-related distributed recursion. International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), Osaka, Japan, Nov. 2013.

  • Michel Raynal. Hybrid concurrent objects. DISC workshop on Software Transactional memory, Jerusalem, Israel, Oct. 2013.

  • François Taïani. Deconstructing complex distributed platforms: A report from the trenches. International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV), Florence, Italy, June 2013.

  • François Taïani. Workshop La politique des données personnelles: Big data ou contrôle individuel? Institut Rhône-Alpin des Systèmes Complexes (IXXI) and ENS Lyon, Lyon, Nov. 2013.